The Pensacola International Airport (Airport), owned and operated by the City of Pensacola, has established an Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) Program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 23. It is the goal of the Airport to ensure that ACDBEs have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in DOT-assisted contracts. The Airport’s ACDBE Policy and Program can be found by clicking on the link below.
As a recipient of federal funds, it is required that the Airport’s goal for ACDBE participation be calculated on a triennial basis. The process is intended to provide maximum flexibility, while ensuring that goals are based on the availability of ready, willing, and able ACDBEs in the Airport’s “Market Area.” This approach is crucial in meeting the obligation to ensure that these goals are narrowly tailored. The process of setting goals is used to estimate the percentage of the base calculation that would be performed by ACDBEs in the absence of discrimination and its effects. The overall goal period for the City’s ACDBE program at the Airport is established on at least a triennial basis. The Airport’s current goals and methodology can be found by clicking on the link below.
As part of the triennial goal setting process, interested parties are invited to attend an ACDBE workshop to review the proposed goals and methodology and to provide any feedback that may assist in the development of the final ACDBE goals for the Airport. A copy of the invitation as well as the presentation can be found by clicking the link below.
For information regarding the Airport’s ACDBE policy and program please contact:
Micheal Laven, Airport Administration & Contracts Manager
2430 Airport Blvd., Ste 225
Pensacola, FL 32504
Laura Amentler, Assistant Airport Director – Finance
2430 Airport Blvd., Ste 225
Pensacola, FL 32504
For additional information and resources regarding DBE and ACDBE, please refer to the following resources:
FAA Airport Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (Link:
Florida Unified Certification Program Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Directory (link:
Florida Department of Transportation’s DBE Program (link:
Florida Department of Transportation’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Supportive Services Program (Link:
49 Florida Code of Regulation Part 26 (link: