My Company Needs Authorization To Obtain Badges

The following information will introduce your company to the badging procedures at the Pensacola International Airport.

To begin, if your company does not have a current agreement with the Pensacola International Airport, please contact the Airport at (850) 436-5000 to have your “Authorization to Badge form” completed. Your Airport contact person will obtain all the necessary information from you and the completed form will be submitted to Airport Operations. This form, which is signed-off by the Airport Security Coordinator, outlines your company’s access level, driving privileges (if necessary) and indicates your company’s security training requirements.

Next, the Authorized Signature Letter form must be completed. This form includes one Primary Authorized Signer and one Secondary Authorized Signer who are authorized to sign the Badge and Fingerprint / STA Application. The Badging Office will only accept this form with one or two signatories (and it is highly recommended to have two Authorized Signers for companies with more than ten employees). Additional signatories are not permitted. Additionally, this form requires both a printed name and a signature on the form. All employees listed on the Authorized Signature Letter form must obtain an airport-issued identification badge (see “Apply For A Badge”) by completing a Criminal History Record Check (CHRC), Security Threat Assessment (STA), security training and the Authorized Signer training.

The Authorized Signer training for your Authorized Signer(s) consists of a module on the IET (Interactive Employee Training) computer and the “Authorized Signer Training form.” The computer training and the form must be completed in the Airport Badging Office by the Primary and Secondary Authorized Signers. Please allow at least 30 minutes for this training. The Authorized Signer Training will communicate the signatory’s responsibilities and duties and requires all signatories to certify they have completed and understand the training. The Authorized Signer Training is required annually. Contact the Badging Office at (850) 436-5113 to make an appointment to complete your AS training.